[Learn GO] basic knowledge

basic knowledge

  • constant
  • variable
  • integer
  • floating-point
  • bool
  • string
  • character
  • Arrays and slices
  • package

basic knowledge


  • const
const limit = 512
const top uint16 = 1421
const Pi float64 = 3.1415926
const x,y int = 1,3 

also can write in this way

const (
    Cyan = 0
    Black = 1
    White = 2

true false iotaalso default in go
itoa it reset to 0 when the const keyword appears
wa~ it's so amazing this type of const

const (
    a = iota  //a == 0
    b = iota  //b ==1
    c = iota  //c == 2

const d = iota //d==0


some example:

var a int
var b string
var c float64
var d [5] int  //array 
var e [] int   //array slice
var f * int    //right
var v1 int = 5 //right
var v2 = 5     //right it can matching type automatic
v3 := 5        //right it can matching type automatic

there is a amazing code that can exchange values in this way

i := 2
j := 3
i, j = j, i  //change the value, now i == 3,j == 2

int c++ or java i will do this things

int t;
t = a;
a = b;
b = a;

but in go that can in one line i,j = j,i so interesting!


in go unsafe.Sizeof it's like sizeof int C
Go has 11 types of integer .
Talk is cheap.Show me the code.

package main

import (

func main() {
    a := 12
    fmt.Println("length of a: ", unsafe.Sizeof(a))
    var b int = 12
    fmt.Println("length of b(int): ", unsafe.Sizeof(b))
    var c int8 = 12
    fmt.Println("length of c(int8): ", unsafe.Sizeof(c))
    var d int16 = 12
    fmt.Println("length of d(int16): ", unsafe.Sizeof(d))
    var e int32 = 12
    fmt.Println("length of e(int32): ", unsafe.Sizeof(e))
    var f int64 = 12
    fmt.Println("length of f(int64): ", unsafe.Sizeof(f))

The FMT package is used to format strings, and unsafe contains methods for getting information about the Go language type


Go has two floating point types and two complex types

  • float 32

    • The precision is about 7 decimal Numbers after the decimal point
  • float 64

    • The precision is about 15 decimal Numbers after the decimal point
  • complex32

    • The real and imaginary parts are all float32
  • complex64

    • The real and imaginary parts are all float64


  • bool do not support automatic change and cast type conversion in GO
var a bool
a = true
b := (2 == 3) //b will be bool type

//error example
var b bool
b = 1 //error
b = bool(1) // error


t1 := "\"hello\""             //msg: "hello"
t2 := `"hello"`               //msg:the same as t1
t3 := "\u6B22\u8FCE"          //msg:欢迎

Go use UTF-8 its a very good way to display Chinese characters.
Strings support many operations,but as the beginner blog i don't want to write it.
that is an example

package main

import (

func main() {
    t0 := "\u6B22\u8FCE\u6765\u5230" // t0内容:欢迎来到
    t1 := "\u5B9E\u9A8C\u697C"       // t1内容:实验楼
    t2 := t0 + t1
    for index, char := range t2 {
        fmt.Printf("%-2d    %U      '%c'    %X      %d\n",
            index, char, char, []byte(string(char)), len([]byte(string(char))))
    fmt.Printf("length of t0: %d, t1: %d, t2: %d\n", len(t0), len(t1), len(t2))
    fmt.Printf("content of t2[0:2] is: %X\n", t2[0:2])

here is the print on screen

$ go run string_t.go
0     U+6B22      '欢'    E6ACA2      3
3     U+8FCE      '迎'    E8BF8E      3
6     U+6765      '来'    E69DA5      3
9     U+5230      '到'    E588B0      3
12    U+5B9E      '实'    E5AE9E      3
15    U+9A8C      '验'    E9AA8C      3
18    U+697C      '楼'    E6A5BC      3
length of t0: 12, t1: 9, t2: 21
content of t2[0:2] is: E6AC


Go has two character One is Byte(utf8) another is rune(Unicode )
Go use byte as usual

Arrays and slices

Go can automatically calculates the length of the array for us
[N]Type{value1, value2, ..., valueN}
[...]Type{value1, value2, ..., valueN}
... that is so amazing

  • slices is a very good progress i think
package main

import (

func main() {
    a := [...]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
    fmt.Printf("len and cap of array %v is: %d and %d\n", a, len(a), cap(a))
    fmt.Printf("item in array: %v is:", a)
    for _, value := range a {
        fmt.Printf("% d", value)


    s1 := a[3:6]
    fmt.Printf("len and cap of slice: %v is: %d and %d\n", s1, len(s1), cap(s1))
    fmt.Printf("item in slice: %v is:", s1)
    for _, value := range s1 {
        fmt.Printf("% d", value)


    s1[0] = 456
    fmt.Printf("item in array changed after changing slice: %v is:", s1)
    for _, value := range a {
        fmt.Printf("% d", value)


    s2 := make([]int, 10, 20)
    s2[4] = 5
    fmt.Printf("len and cap of slice: %v is: %d and %d\n", s2, len(s2), cap(s2))
    fmt.Printf("item in slice %v is:", s2)
    for _, value := range s2 {
        fmt.Printf("% d", value)


The print information

$  go run slice_array.go
len and cap of array [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] is: 7 and 7
item in array: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
len and cap of slice: [4 5 6] is: 3 and 4
item in slice: [4 5 6] is: 4 5 6
item in array changed after changing slice: [456 5 6] is: 1 2 3 456 5 6 7
len and cap of slice: [0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0] is: 10 and 20
item in slice [0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0] is: 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0


Packages are collections of various types and functions

    • $GOPATH's SRC directory, each package is placed in a separate directory. It can be share in all code.